This library provides functionality for computing bit properties of an unsigned integer
mostSignificantBitReturns the index of the most significant bit of the number, where the least significant bit is at index 0 and the most significant bit is at index 255
The function satisfies the property: x >= 2mostSignificantBit(x) and x < 2(mostSignificantBit(x)+1)
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
x | uint256 | the value for which to compute the most significant bit, must be greater than 0 |
Return Values:Name | Type | Description |
r | unit8 | the index of the most significant bit |
leastSignificantBitReturns the index of the least significant bit of the number, where the least significant bit is at index 0 and the most significant bit is at index 255
The function satisfies the property: (x & 2leastSignificantBit(x)) != 0 and (x & (2(leastSignificantBit(x)) - 1)) == 0)
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
x | uint256 | the value for which to compute the least significant bit, must be greater than 0 |
Return Values:Name | Type | Description |
r | unit8 | the index of the least significant bit |